The Miracle of Self-Acceptance

Miracle of Self-Acceptance

During my ongoing dialogue with the Divine, God said to me: Self-Acceptance is a miracle.  I asked, “How can I experience the miracle of self-acceptance?” God said a few things that surprised me in response:
How to experience the miracle of self-acceptance

Most of you can’t experience the miracle of self-acceptance because you are full of self-rejection. You reject because you judge; without judgment, you have no basis for rejection. You also fear rejection from others because it magnifies your self-rejection.

Once you accept yourself, no one can make you feel rejected. Others may reject you, but you won’t feel rejected. The experience of rejection starts within, as does the experience of acceptance.

Many of you accept aspects of yourselves, but some of you loathe yourselves. Self-loathing must end and self-compassion must grow. Begin to look at yourself from appreciation, starting with those aspects you readily embrace or reject less.

You all have reasons to feel good about yourselves, yet many of you are unaware of them. You focus and obsess over perceived failings and shortcomings. Yet your greatest failures are here to shed light on your greatest strengths, assets, gifts, beauty, and light. Without those failings, you would live in complacency and mediocrity, and never experience your fullness.

Awaken out of unconscious living

Learn to see your struggles as allies. They are here to help you appreciate parts of yourself that you would not experience if things went perfectly, according to your plan.

Actually, everything already is perfect in this moment. It may be difficult for you to see what is perfect about illness, bankruptcy, or the loss of a loved one. The perfection in these painful experiences is that they offer you a breakthrough opportunity to choose love and live in love. They shake you out of complacency; they are alarm bells announcing that it is time to awaken.

What will you do when the alarm rings? Will you hit the snooze button and return to sleeping in unconsciousness? Will you deny the presence of the alarm or see yourself as a victim of the alarm? Or will you see it as a reminder that more love is available to you? 

Everything in life is a reminder for you to love yourself more and to awaken out of the stupor of unconscious living. You must be conscious to love unconditionally. This is not the kind of love that is blind; it is a love that sees all and accepts all.

Expand your self-acceptance

When you start loving yourself with Divine unconditional conscious love, your self-acceptance expands dramatically. Over time, you experience the miracle of self-acceptance and you also easily accept others.

When you love and accept yourself, you also stop expecting others to give you what you haven’t been giving yourself: kindness, compassion, appreciation, gratitude, grace, and thoughtfulness, to name a few. Begin to give those to yourself, and you expand your self-acceptance.

As your self-acceptance grows, you stop experiencing resentment in relationships. You also stop looking to others to make up for deficits you perceived in yourself in the past. It is unreasonable to expect conscious, perfect love from people who are unconscious and don’t love themselves. Yet many of you do.

And if you don’t appreciate and accept yourself, you can experience the smallest unkindness or unconscious behavior from others as deeply hurtful because you are already wounded by your own non-love and self-judgment.

Choose to love yourself

It is imperative that you choose to learn to love yourself. You will never regret this decision. It will change your life and bring you happiness that you can’t even imagine.

When you love and accept yourself, you also become attractive to people who love themselves, and together the love, acceptance, and sweetness that you can experience is magnificent.

I love how the Divine desires for us to learn to love and accept ourselves. This is so different than what I previously thought. Every day offers so many opportunities to practice self-acceptance instead of self-judgment.

The miracle of self-acceptance is for all of us. I encourage you to apply the Divine words in this post so you can experience this for yourself.

If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.