When I asked the Divine to elaborate, here’s what God said:
You cannot see the truth of who you are if you reject any aspect of yourself. When you stop self-rejection and see yourself with eyes of love, you will be astonished at what you see and you will free yourself from painful distortions.
Often others can see you when you do not see yourself. You cannot see and know yourself if you do not accept yourself. And you cannot accept yourself if you reject your perception of yourself.
Stop self-rejection
Stop rejecting the parts of you that you label as “bad.” Stop rejecting and start accepting. Accept what you believe to be true about yourself without judgment. In acceptance, you see the greater truth of who you are.
If you look in a mirror without realizing that it presents a distorted image, and you accept what you see without judgment, the next time you look, you will see less distortion and more beauty. One day, you will recognize your reflection and be surprised at the beauty you did not see before then.
You are all beautiful in your essence and purity. Yet you see yourselves with great distortion because layers of non-love, wounds, and judgment cover the love that you are. The more you are willing to look beneath those layers, the more you will be astonished to see the light of your true essence shining brightly.
Accept without judgment
The willingness to accept without judgment what you believe to be true about yourself in the moment removes the distortions in your vision that have prevented you from seeing who you are.
If you look in a mirror and all you see is a huge nose, accept it. Say, “I have a huge nose” without then saying, “I am ugly.” The more you accept what you see in yourself without resistance, the more what you see shifts towards beauty.
I asked the Divine, ”How can we stop self-rejection and start accepting what we see? Do we need to accept non-truth in order to arrive at truth?”
The only way to stop self-rejection is to love yourself with Divine unconditional conscious love and to see yourself from love.
See with eyes of love
Remember the operative questions we gave you: “What do I see when I look at this from love?” and “What do I choose when I choose from love?”
At first when you use these questions, you will see with distortion. But using them is like applying a salve to your eyes that helps you see more clearly.
In self-acceptance through self-love, you don’t resist or reject any part of you. You may acknowledge, “I feel anger, sadness, guilt, shame, jealousy, and meanness.” Yet you don’t identify yourself with those things. You don’t say, “I am anger” or “I am an angry person.”
In acceptance, you acknowledge what you see within yourself without rejection or judgment. You say, “I feel anger” or “I have a big nose.” And you know you are not anger or a big nose, even if that is all you see when you look in the mirror.
Love yourself with Divine love
In loving yourself with Divine love, you become more conscious and accepting of what you see in yourself. Then you start to see things differently. The big nose fades into the background and becomes part of the face of a beautiful person. As you acknowledge the anger you have felt without identifying yourself with it, the anger starts to diminish on its own.
The ongoing experience of Divine love as self-love peels away the layers of ego and non-love that have become layered over your true essence. Through loving yourself with Divine love, you begin to see yourself more with eyes of love.
As you do, your perception of yourself shifts more towards beauty, and you begin to see the truth of who you are. Only through loving yourself unconditionally, can you see the truth of who you are, as a magnificent and beautiful being. And it is this truth that will set you free.
Wow! What amazing words. As I continue to apply the operative questions to my life, I judge myself less. Some days, I can see my beautiful essence shining clearly. At other times, I fall into self-judgment. But when I do, I often remember the importance of seeing myself from love. This is a growth process and I continue to grow with it.
I encourage you to apply the Divine words in this post so you can experience this for yourself. If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.