Three years later, this has not been the case. But here’s what I’ve discovered:
· Life is not a race;
· Life doesn’t always move in an upward direction;
· God’s love is always present and available;
· It’s up to us to choose seeing with the eyes of love.
After experiencing profound transformation for two years, my life started to become challenging and many things occurred, for which I was unprepared. Life became a struggle – at least from where I viewed it.
Over time, I abandoned the love filter and other tools that had transformed my life. I stopped seeing with the eyes of love and I began to contract. I became a turtle in its shell, hiding from life and from myself.
I stopped reaching out to friends, both in my life and on social media, and I hunkered down waiting for this stormy part of life to pass. Occasionally, I reconnected with the Divine and basked in unconditional love. Then another challenge arose and I contracted again.
Through the encouragement of loving friends, I began to come out of my shell. I reached for the Divine words that had previously filled me love. Slowly, I began to emerge from my shell, and I began to read aloud the amazing words that had blessed my life.
As I read God’s words over the course of several weeks,
my heart started to melt, I connected with the Divine more deeply,
and also began to love myself more deeply.
But I continued to fall into judgment, almost daily. Most days, I awakened with judgmental or anxious thoughts. But unlike the past, I didn’t stay there. Reading the Divine messages helped me to return to love. Yet it was still hard work.
Then one of those things that I didn’t anticipate happened. Seemingly out of nowhere, a spot arose in my vision. The large floater moved constantly, making it difficult to read, drive or focus my eyes. This time, the more difficult it became, the more I read the Divine words I had received.
Then the visual disturbances progressed to flashes of light next to my eye. This really freaked me out when driving home from work at night. To cope with this:
I began to affirm like a mantra:
“I’m seeing with the eyes of love and I’m healed.”
This shifted me from fear to love every time.
The doctor told me that sometimes a vitreous detachment of the eye happens to people as they age. But the Divine told me something different:
Noemi Grace, you are here to see with the eyes of love and help others to do the same. You are here to transform your life through seeing from love.
You fell into judgment and separation through hardship. We have loved you through this. Yet you have needed a reminder to return to love, to see from love and choose from love. What clearer reminder is there for seeing with the eyes of love than a visual reminder that is present with you every moment?
Relax; this is temporary if you choose to return to love. We have watched you struggle for the last year with various challenges. We have always been present with you. Yet you have not chosen to connect with us often.
After the expansion you experienced through receiving these messages, you contracted in fear. Remember fear is the antithesis of love, as is judgment, which is always rooted in fear. Return to love; that is what the eye is telling you.
Knowing this has helped me immensely. My old norm was to feel victimized by things like this and to worry incessantly. Instead, I now understand that this is God’s loving way of reminding me to see with the eyes of love and stop struggling.
Every morning when I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the spot and I say, “Good morning, reminder” and then I take a few moments to bask in God’s love before starting my day. Throughout the day, when I fall into judgment or fear, I see the spot in my vision and I remember that nothing is worth losing my connection with the Divine.
I’m grateful for what the reminder is teaching me and for being able to wake up in a state of loving connection with God and moving through my day this way. And when I do veer from love, the reminder helps me to return to love.
It’s my hope that I’ll outgrow this visual reminder. But I realize it’s here to serve a vital purpose. And when I no longer need it, I can be healed. In the meantime, I’m being healed every day though experiencing Divine self-love.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to share about how we can learn to love ourselves unconditionally with Divine love. I’ll be sharing much more about this in future blog and Facebook posts, on my YouTube channel, and in my upcoming book.
If you have questions about any of my posts, you can always ask me. I wish you many blessings as you experience the power of Divine love as self-love.