I really didn’t understand what that had to do with freeing myself from my thoughts. The Divine’s elaboration helped me to see things differently:
Your mind is often occupied with thoughts, worries, and judgments that don’t serve you and even cripple you. You must learn to leave behind all the demeaning, diminishing, and punishing things you say to yourself in the privacy of the mind. You must see how detrimental this is and recognize that inner judgmental, doubting voice when it speaks to you.
If you want to live in freedom, you must stop indulging yourselves in your minds and stop being victims. Many of you delight to be victims. You have embraced your perceived powerlessness with such vehemence. You find strength in being powerless and you perpetuate that powerlessness through seeing yourselves as victims. Most of you are very attached to your victimhood. You say you hate it, but you find a false sense of strength and vindication in it.
Freedom is here now, but not for the victim. Victims can never love themselves unconditionally. They are too attached to their wounds to see the true beauty and love that they are. Give up the victim; tell it goodbye. Choose love or choose victim – it is that simple. Yet for most of you this is difficult.
You perceive most things through the lens of victim consciousness.
Drop the victim filter and choose the love filter. Instead of seeing through the eyes of the victim, choose to see with eyes of love. You must love yourself enough to choose from love.
The victim is not motivated by self-love. Its perspective is always clouded by its wounds and it cannot see past them. You are beautiful, unique, and special. You come from the Divine Source, yet many of you live in the squalor of victim consciousness.
Victim consciousness runs very deep. You have no idea how much you perceive things through this mindset and how limited you make yourselves because of this. You think your circumstances and the people in your life are what make you limited and cause you to worry. But you do this to yourself, through choosing to be a victim.
A victim can never know the truth of who they are. They are blinded by their perception of powerlessness. One of the greatest tragedies of human existence is that you believe yourselves to be powerless when you are very powerful.
The true source of your power comes from Divine unconditional love.
If you do not love yourselves unconditionally, you do not experience the fullness of this energy source. You are like a depleted battery with only a little power. That is the unfortunate reality of the victim’s existence.
You can recharge your batteries easily and effortlessly by leaving behind the victim and returning to self-love and to the truth of who you are. If you feel powerless, you have lost sight of this truth. Being a victim is as far away as you can get from the truth of who you are.
You have let the powerless victim run your life instead of living from your unlimited power source, which is love. Make the decision today to return to love. When you choose from love instead of victim consciousness, you can live in the richness of the beauty and brilliance that you are. And you will live as the truth of who you are: powerful and beautiful love.
Live the truth of who you are by saying goodbye to victim consciousness.
Don’t hate the victim; love it and let it go by choosing from love. The victim is incompatible with unconditional love. Choose love, not victim. It has had its time. Now is the time to become the truth of who you are. Make this your mantra and reality everyday: love, not victim.
We see the beauty and love that you all are, and we delight in the opening and unfolding of who you are. We are always here with you in love.
Since I received this message, I’ve become more aware of how often my thoughts come from victim consciousness. I’ve also noticed that when they do, I’m more apt to worry and that when I choose to see from love, I don’t worry. As I choose more from love, I’m also more content with myself and my life. I encourage you to try this.
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.