The Power of Spiritual Union

I recently received a very sweet and loving message from the Divine about the power of spiritual union. You can read it below or click here to watch me sharing this message at a wedding of dear friends:

We are pleased to share with you about the union of two loving souls. When two souls who love unconditionally unite, their joining creates a great ripple effect in the world. Their love has the power to move mountains and move hearts. Their love is a miraculous expression of Divine love.

Our Divine love is both unconditional and conscious. It has the power to melt hearts and heal them too. It is of this love that we speak. Our love is all-powerful and all-loving. Nothing and no one are excluded in our love. When two souls share our love between them, their love magnifies and blossoms into beauty, grace and power.

In this love, neither selfishness nor selflessness has a place. The self is absorbed in Divine love and not in itself. Without selfishness and selflessness, both can become self-full – fully their true self, their unique essence and beauty. In this self-full love, neither is above the other, neither loves oneself above the other or the other above oneself.

The union of two self-full, self-loving souls is an opportunity and opening to experience Divine love as self-love,
and Divine love as love of spouse and others. We delight in the union of two souls who love with Divine love.
Their love expands both of them and their world, and even expands us, their Divine Source.

The power of united love, of two souls united in Divine love cannot be overstated. In united Divine love is great power. Both are blessed and transformed in sharing their love together, and both bless and transform the world by being in the world as their loving selves.

Two souls loving this way can transform many souls and impact many. The ripple effect of their love can be felt far and wide. This union is both a joining and a deepening. In joining, each is deepened and expanded.

Their union expands their world, as the circle of the ripple of a drop in still water expands outward. The drop is their union. The expanding circle of the ripple of this union is the impact and power of this union.

What a wonderful day it is when two unite in this way, in a union of Divine unconditional self-love and Divine unconditional love for each other. The power of this love is beyond words. Nothing is too powerful for this love, as nothing is too powerful for us, and this love is rooted and sourced in our love.

We rejoice in this joining, as you also rejoice together in your joining, and you rejoice with all those who come to bear witness to this momentous occasion. And indeed it is momentous. In this joining, two loving souls are both expanding together and the ripples caused by their expansion, expand those around them, and even expand us, their Divine Source.

We rejoice and celebrate with all of you on this day of Divine union, of the joining of two souls who love themselves and each other with our Divine love. What a wondrous completion and new beginning. We are complete in joy and delight in this celebration. We are in love, as Divine love. Namaste.

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