These were the first words I heard God share about this:
Love is the fabric of freedom.
I must confess that I didn’t understand those words for a long time. Then one day I asked what they meant. And here’s what the Divine shared:
Love is the fabric of freedom, the substance of which freedom is made. You cannot be free if you do not love, or if your love does not include you. If you wish to be free of the judgment, pain and sorrows that you carry with you, you must love yourself. There is no freedom without love.
I was awed by hearing that love is the substance of which freedom is made, and that without loving myself I could never experience freedom. The whole idea that you could love your way to freedom was foreign to me.
Even the experience of unconditional self-love was foreign. Sure, I loved myself – but not always and not in all situations, and especially not when I thought I messed up or said or did things I regretted. At those times, it was really hard for me to love myself.
Since I began conversing with God, it’s becoming easier for me to love myself in situations where I couldn’t have in the past. I’m still on this path of learning, yet I’m experiencing freedom more often.
Wanting to know more about the Divine shared above, I asked, “How do you define freedom?” Once again, God’s answer amazed me:
The most basic experience of freedom is fully loving, knowing, embracing and being your true self. When you live in non-love, you carry shackles of judgment and pain with you, and you are powerless to free yourself from them. When you love yourself with Divine unconditional love, our love empowers you to free yourself.
I liked what I heard, but still didn’t understand how you could love your way to freedom. I asked, “How can we get to freedom from where we are? How can we learn to love ourselves if we don’t?” Again, the Divine helped me to understand more deeply:
You must learn to see differently and love differently. Most of you love yourselves in a conditional way at best, and many of you don’t love yourselves at all. The problem is not that you are unlovable, but that you believe this to be true, so it might as well be. In your belief that you are inherently unlovable, you become unlovable to yourself. We love you unconditionally, so how can you be unlovable?
The problem is not you; it is how you love yourself. Most of you have not learned unconditional self-love because your experience of unconditional love has been limited. The love that brings you into freedom is not the ego’s version of love: I love you until you disappoint me, or I love you when I think you are worthy of love. Freedom is found in Divine love, which is both unconditional and conscious.
When you experience the opening to freedom afforded to you by Divine love, your fears fall away. What many of you fear most of all is what is inside you. Yet the truth of who you are will amaze you. You all have love and beauty inside you that has been bottled up and buried. The truth is that every one of you is beauty at your core.
What you think you see inside yourself is a distortion. What you believe to be true about yourself and your life blocks you from seeing the truth. To see the truth of who you are, you must learn to see from love instead of from judgment, past assumptions and conclusions.
When you see from love, everything changes. You see yourself in a new light, and you easily fall in love with yourself. From there, your entire life changes: you bloom, your life blossoms, and you become happy.
This is our promise to you: if you fall deeply and unconditionally in love with yourself, and see the truth of who you are and live that truth, you will find a deep happiness you cannot imagine now. This is possible for every one of you.
What an amazing answer! As I peel away the layers of judgment that have engulfed me for so long, I can see myself more clearly and lovingly. As I do, I find myself becoming much more lovable to me. It’s definitely a process. But it’s one that I’m committed to. I look forward to the day when I can see myself fully without judgment and I can see everyone else the same way.
I encourage you to learn to see yourself from love and to love your way to freedom through experiencing Divine love as self-love. My future blog posts will share many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way. And of course, they will feature more loving messages from the Divine.