One day I asked God, “If I love myself with Divine love, will I be able to love others unconditionally, and will I be able to love the whole world? When I look at what’s going on in the world and I’m able to see it with eyes of love, I see that the world needs a lot of love.”
This time, the Divine’s response was short and sweet:
The world needs love. The world, and everyone it, needs to be loved. Through loving yourself with Divine love, you can love yourself and others. When you love yourself this way, you can even love the whole world.
Love seeks an outlet. It does not always need a physical outlet, but love needs an energetic one. You do not need a physical target for your love or to direct your love to any one person. You can simply love and allow Divine love to radiate from your being out to others and even out to the whole world.
Share Divine love with the world
Do not withhold love; do not keep your love hidden inside yourself. Fill yourself with Divine love and experience Divine love as self-love. Love yourself this way, and saturate yourself in Divine love until it overflows from you. Then share this love with those you love, those you meet, and even those you don’t know.
Do not let your love pool within you; let it flow out of you as water freely flows. If your love pools, it will become stagnant like water does when it loses its flow.
Share Divine love, not ego’s love. Ego love is very conditional and is not always freely given or received. But the love which you receive from us, your Divine Source, is unconditionally free-flowing and available to all of you.
Love the whole world
Do not be concerned with running out of love. Empty yourself of Divine love by sharing it with others, even with the world. Yes, you can love the whole world, and the whole world needs to be loved.
As you empty yourself of Divine love, you will be simultaneously filled up with Divine love, which is endless and unlimited.
Be a channel for this love; share it with everyone you meet, even with the world. Do not be stingy with Divine love. Share it freely and fully and you will receive so much love and many blessings in return.
You are a gift and Divine love is the gift that you have to share with the world. Share Divine love and you will be blessed by it. Many blessings abound here in Divine love.
I love how the Divine concluded this message. When we live from our Divine Source instead of from our ego, we do become gifts. When we share ourselves as gifts with the world, we share Divine love with everyone. The more we experience Divine love as self-love, the more God’s love shines out of us to the world.
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.