The Divine offered this clarification:
Most people struggle with accepting themselves and their circumstances because they are short-sighted, easily seeing flaws, and they are also tuned into disapproving messages, especially about themselves.
To accept yourself, you must see through eyes of love and listen to the voice of love. Many inner voices compete for your attention and it is easier to listen to the louder ones. The inner critic or judge has a harsh voice that can drown out the soft voice of acceptance and love.
What voices are you listening to and what are they telling you? The answers will show you where you are not accepting yourself.
Learn to see with the eyes of love and listen with the ears of the heart. Then you will see yourself very differently and you will hear the voice of love.
Hear with the ears of the heart
Listen to the voice of love. To listen to the voice of love, you must be conscious. This voice accepts and embraces all; it understands imperfection and loves it anyway. It knows that mistakes happen and poor choices get made, and it accepts them as necessary for growth on the path to perfection.
Perfection is living in love. Here, everything is embraced and accepted and nothing is judged or faulted. To live your true essence, which is love, is to live a perfect life. To live this way, you must learn to change your perspective and return to love when you start to criticize.
Change your perception
Perception is a filter which you apply to everything in your life, whether consciously or unconsciously. You can choose how you perceive by choosing your filter.
Change your perception by tuning into the voice of love, acceptance, and gratitude. Love and gratitude are antidotes for judgment and unacceptance. Embrace what is, but don’t embrace judgment. Simply accept it and understand it as historical baggage that you have been dragging with you in unawareness.
Leave behind all baggage, old perspectives, and perceptions. Listen to the love station in your heart every day and stop listening to the cacophony of voices in your mind. If you are tuned into judgment, you are not listening to the love station. Learn to listen to the voice of your heart which speaks peace, love, joy, gratitude, and blessings.
Choose the voice of acceptance and love
When you quiet your mind in meditation, it’s easier to listen with the ears of the heart and hear the heart’s voice. The heart sings love songs, but the judge in your mind barks criticisms. Learn to listen to the inner love songs of your heart. They are always there, even when they are drowned out by harsh voices in your mind.
Choose the softer voice of acceptance and love. Gratitude flows from this voice effortlessly and it sings clearly and vibrantly. Listen to this voice.
Sense the world with the eyes and ears of the heart. When you see and hear love, acceptance ceases to be a struggle, as it is a natural outflow of being in love. You are all here to return to love.
Since receiving this message, I’ve made it a point to regularly tune into the chatter in my mind and to replace the judgmental self-talk with loving thoughts about myself and others. This is becoming a lot easier as I practice seeing with the eyes of love and hearing with the ears of the heart. I encourage you to experience this for yourself.
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.