I understand that learning to let go of control is vital on the journey of self-growth. But still, I had hoped that finding serenity in my circumstances had more to do with meditation or prayer. Here’s what the Divine says about this:
You want to control circumstances and you can’t. The road of life takes you through twists and turns you can’t imagine, ups and downs, peaks and valleys, and fertile and drought times. You can’t control any of this.
Serenity comes from surrender.
Recognize that the need to control comes from ego, which cannot accept what it cannot control. It resists things that it cannot manipulate or does not understand. See the ego’s attempts at control, and choose from love instead of ego.
Look at your life circumstances from love. Ask yourself these questions, “If I loved this, what would I do? If I loved this, how would I be different? From what do I need to be liberated to love this?”
Love yourself enough to let go of control.
The ego fears letting go of control because it thinks its survival will be threatened. Yet it is always safe, if it doesn’t interfere with you loving yourself unconditionally with Divine love.
Love is the answer you have been seeking – not the needy, clingy thing that you humans call love or the demanding, expecting version either. Divine love is eternal and always freely flowing. Divine love never varies or falters and is always present.
Source yourself in Divine love and let go of control.
Love and let go – in that order. See everything with the eyes of the love, then let go.
In love, you desire the best for you and others, and you trust that you will receive what is best for you, even if it isn’t what you wanted.
You receive what life offers and what others do without judgment. This doesn’t mean you sit by and allow yourself to be abused. Remember your context: “I love myself enough to …”
If you love yourself unconditionally, you choose differently than if you love yourself partially: you find a way to honor yourself; you do not choose against yourself; and you see more options because you reject nothing and embrace everything.
I liked what God was saying and I really want to experience this in full. But I began to think that there are things no one should have to embrace. And the Divine called me on it:
We notice your resistance here. You’re thinking that no one should embrace abuse. We said embrace, not condone. You accept what is from a place of acceptance and love, and you choose what is best for you.
Sometimes resisting abuse keeps people stuck in receiving abuse because they don’t accept what is. They may also not identify what is happening as abuse, and make up a story that paints a different picture.
Your stories keep you mired in the past and distracted from the present, so you cannot see what is truly here. Who would you be without your story? Begin to tell the story of your life from love. Start with self-love, and expand your story to include love of others and of life.
Remember that the self-love we always speak of is sourced in Divine love, flowing inward to you, and eventually outward from you to the world. What the world needs is this kind of love that it rarely sees. We are grateful for those who choose to love this way, and who love themselves enough to let go of control.
Since I received this message, I’ve become more aware of my tendency to try to control things. I’ve been using my context, “I love myself enough to let go” in many different areas of my life. In doing so, it has become much easier for me to let go of control. And amazingly, I’m much more at peace.
I encourage you to try this. If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.