Learning to Receive Divine Messages, Step 1: Become Willing

Learning to Receive Divine Messages

Since I’ve published my book, An Intimate Dialogue with God: The Miraculous Power of Unconditional Self-Love, many people have told me  they want to learn how to receive messages from God. The Divine  already talks to everyone. But there are ways of being and doing that we need to learn and cultivate before learning to receive Divine messages that are already being sent to us.
If you want to hear God speaking to you, then I have good news for you. I’m starting a blog series that features God’s direct speaking about learning to receive Divine messages.
Remember, these messages are already being sent to you. God’s part is already happening. This series of posts will help you to know how to do your part to have a Divine communication.
Let’s dive in and see what God has to say about the first step in learning to receive Divine messages.

Become Willing

The first step in learning to receive Divine messages is to become willing to hear what God is saying to you.

Many of us are willing to hear God tell us what we what or expect God to say. But what if the Divine has something else to say to you?
We limit our ability to hear God speaking by our past experiences and preconceptions. Yet the Divine speaks to us anyway.
Years ago, when I read Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God, I spoke aloud, “I want to have conversations with God too.” And I was thoroughly surprised when I heard the following response:

“You don’t hear God speaking to you because you are only willing to hear what you expect to hear. You are not open to hearing anything new.”

I responded with, “Yes, I am open.” Then there was silence for years. Or as I’m learning, I perceived that there was silence because God was still speaking. But I was not hearing God’s voice, even when I tried to listen.

What God Says

Here are some nuggets of wisdom from the Divine about willingness, excerpted from my book, An Intimate Dialogue with God:

    • Be open and willing to experience what lies outside the boundaries of what you think is possible.
    • Be willing to hear truth even if it seems to contradict what you learned in the past or what your mind thinks is true.
    • You get out of your way by being willing to see and do differently. You each repeatedly make the same choices as you continue to see with the same distortions.
    • Be willing to ask: “What am I not seeing here?” and “How am I contributing to this?” When you ask different questions, you will get different results.
    • We are the God you have always known—not just you, Noemi Grace, but all who read this. Yet we are much more than you have ever known or imagined us to be. Your world is replete with God-in-the-box religions. Yet we are too big to be boxed. Are you willing to see outside the box, to become unboxed as we are, to see both us and yourselves in fullness?
    • The world needs to hear that God is here, available, and ready to work wonders in the life of anyone who is willing to be of service. There is no need to struggle to make it happen. Trust us….
    • Be willing to be of God and not of ego, to walk on the earth and be of the earth, but not tied down to it.
    • Are you willing to return to the stillness of unconditional love, to live in this stillness, and let stillness and love flow into your life?

Learning to Receive Divine Messages

As you can see, willingness is essential for deepening your spiritual experience.

Each of those nuggets of wisdom from my communication with God is worthy of reflection and application in our lives.
For me, as I share in my book and in my blog, when I met fear and terror with hope and a willingness to be of service on 9/11, I started down a path which has led me to receiving Divine messages and sharing them with the world.
The more willing I become, the more I hear God speaking. Yes, there are other things I do to help me hear God clearly and to hone my ability to listen. And I will share those in upcoming blog posts.
For now, look at your life’s assumptions, attitudes, beliefs, and choices. Where can you embrace more willingness to move beyond what limits you and your ability in hearing the Divine and learning to receive Divine messages?
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read  other inspiring messages from the Divine. There you can also read the upcoming posts in this series on learning to receive Divine messages. I’d also like to offer you my free self-love eBook, which contains many beautiful and uplifting quotes from my dialogue with God.