How to Make Powerful Choices

Powerful Choices

In my ongoing dialogue with God, I asked, “How can people stop making the same choices and how can they get unstuck?” The Divine response was, “You must learn to make powerful choices through the union of mind and heart.” When I asked how we could do this, God responded this way:

Choice is how you live your life

The power to change your life lies within your choices. There is tremendous power here, yet you don’t see it or experience it because most of you choose unconsciously and powerlessly.
You have forgotten how much power resides in your ability to choose, and you essentially make the same choices over and over. This predictably generates the same results and leads to frustration and disappointment.
Many of you choose impulsively what feels good in the moment, and then you spend your time reacting to your ill-thought-out choices. Others over-analyze everything and get stuck. You miss opportunities because you either choose too impulsively or take too long to decide. Neither of these strategies helps you to make powerful choices.

Powerful choices come from a union of mind and heart

There is enormous power when your heart and mind work together. The heart senses the power of a choice and the mind approves the choice through a wondrous partnership. At times, the mind may also want to make a choice, and the heart then senses whether the choice is good for you.
Few of you know how to choose this way. This partnership of mind and heart protects you from either choosing unconsciously through impulsivity or becoming super-conscious and unable to choose because no choice seems right.
We are bringing you back to the starting point, to making grounded decisions through the power of choosing from love. Love is conscious; it always aware and alive. Love is wise; it can discern love from non-love.
When you use the love filter and see through eyes of love, you notice different options than you would have perceived in the past. When you see from love, you know which choices are most self-loving and which ones are harmful for you.
Learn to bring your heart and mind together through seeing and choosing from love. First see with the eyes of the heart. Filter out non-loving choices by seeing from love. Then use your mind to help you make loving choices, and everything becomes clear.

Get unstuck

Love illuminates those places where you feel stuck.  If you are stuck, you are not seeing from love because love sees the truth of the situation and shines its light on the best path. When we speak of love, we mean Divine unconditional conscious love, which is here for you now.
Get unstuck by seeing from this love. Then the path out of stuckness becomes clear. Being stuck comes from fear. You must learn to recognize being stuck as a sign that you need more love. There is no love in fear; move out of fear through seeing from love. Be willing to love yourself more with Divine love. When you do, it is much easier for you to choose what is most self-loving and to get unstuck.
You can stop being stuck today, if you are willing to learn to love yourselves as we do. Your job is to love yourself first with Divine love. 
Are you willing to learn to liberate yourself with Divine unconditional conscious love? If so, we will show you the way and guide you every step of your journey. Are you with us? The invitation is here for you now.

The more I practice choosing from love, the easier it is to recognize which choices are best for me. This has helped me to make different choices than I have in the past and has helped me to get unstuck in several areas of my life.
I encourage you to practice what the Divine shares in this message. You may be surprised at how much easier it is to stop repeating the pains of the past, get unstuck, and make powerful choices.
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’d also like to offer you my free self-love eBook, which contains many beautiful and uplifting quotes from my dialogue with God.