Get Out of Your Way

Get Out of Your Way

In my last post, the Divine shared with me how you can get out of your way by loving yourself first with Divine love. In this post, I share more about how to get out of your way. Here’s what God said to me:
You get out of your way by being willing to see and do differently.

You repeatedly make the same choices because you continue to see with the same distortions.

I asked, “How can we see ourselves without these distortions and make different choices?”

The journey to self-love starts with asking yourself better questions.

Stop asking, “What is wrong with me?” and “Why is this happening to me?” Start asking, “What do I see when I look at this from love?” and “What do I choose if I choose from love?”

Be willing to ask: “What am I not seeing here?” and “How am I contributing to this?” Ask different questions and you get different results.

Many of you do not ask yourself questions. You go through life with blinders on, reacting to what happens, and trying to control anything and anyone you think you can control.

Learn to ask yourself thought-provoking questions and answer them from your heart. Ask deeper questions of yourself without attaching judgment or blame to anyone.

The idea that you could get out of your way by asking deeper questions really surprised me.  And I never would have thought that the journey to self-love starts with asking yourself better questions.

The Divine went on to talk about how important it is that we really know ourselves and see the truth of who we are:

Stop avoiding, rejecting and judging yourself, and seek to know yourself more fully. Be willing to know yourself. You cannot love what you do not know.

Many of you fear knowing yourself because you think you are ugly. Yet if you dare to get to know yourself, you will discover your unique astounding beauty beneath the judgment, blame, harshness and rejection that you carry.

You are all beauty at your core, in your essence.

Yet you think you are ugly and feel shameful and guilty. This is the true tragedy of the human condition. We will teach you to rise above the human condition.

I love these words! There’s so much need in the world today for us to rise above the human condition. The Divine shares that the way to do this is to go deeper and be willing to look at our imperfections and limitations. Only then, can we really see the beauty that is our essence.

We will teach you to go deeper than the judgmental layers you have stacked upon your true essence. When you dive deep into yourself, you will be astonished to find someone beautiful, amazing and gifted.

But to get there, you must ask yourself deeper questions. Be willing to look at your part in things and take ownership.

Don’t be afraid of looking at your limitations and acknowledging them. You must stop rejecting the limitations you carry and learn to embrace them, before you can see how truly unlimited and magnificent you are.

You are afraid to look at imperfections.  But it is only in doing so that you discover the truth of who you are.  Deep down beneath those surface imperfections lies the most amazing beauty you can imagine.

Yet your fear of those imperfections keeps you from discovering your true perfection: the beauty, grace and love that you are. And we speak to all of you here.

Learn to see the love that you are. Then you will live in beauty, joy and peace, and non-love will have no power over you.

What a gift these words are! I never would have imagined that living in self-love starts with asking deeper questions and being willing to look at your imperfections and limitations without fear. In doing so, you also learn to get out of your way and begin to see the truth and beauty of who you are.

My wish for you is that you see and embrace your own beauty and learn to love yourself with Divine love. My future blog posts will share many more practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way. Of course, they will feature more loving messages from the Divine.