Ego limits you
You are not your ego. Your ego is not bad and it has a necessary place, but that place isn’t as the dictator of your life. To allow ego to control your life is to live a life of limited possibility, repeating the choices of the past.
The ego limits you by its cravings for acknowledgment, which it looks to others to provide. It does not realize that no one can give you what you already have but don’t see. If you truly knew your magnificence, you would never need anyone to give you validation.
The ego is also fearful of looking at limitations and imperfections because it fears its own demise. Your true self is unafraid. The ego does not realize how much beauty is beneath its perceived imperfections, and it’s too afraid to look.
You are greater than your perceived limitations
If you are avoiding or rejecting any aspect of yourself, you are in ego. Love embraces all. Ego rejects everything it fears; love fears nothing.
It is only in owning all the limitations and imperfections that the ego fears, that you can reach the beauty and magnificence beneath them.
When you own your perceived imperfections and limitations, they no longer own you or have power over you. Then you are able to see them for what they are. You recognize that they are not your true self.
Discern your true self from ego
Your true self is perfect in its beauty. Everything else is simply layered on top of your true pure essence, and is not who you truly are.
Beneath the layers of ego and beyond the wounds that pockmark your soul, lies the infinitely bright light of your true essence that nothing can snuff out. But ego doesn’t see it.
The new and expanded life you desire is possible when ego serves as your true self’s helper. The ego’s true place is to be in service to the true self: to come to action upon the command of your true self, and to be otherwise at rest. An ego at rest – that may sound like an oxymoron, and in a sense it is because few rise above its dictates and needy behavior.
Discern the true self from the ego. This is very important. Be willing to be of God and not of ego, to walk on the earth and be of the earth, but not tied down to it. Learn to be non-attached, yet fully open and loving.
Learn to recognize when you are in ego and the many ways that ego limits you. The Divine words you are receiving can help you return from ego to your true love essence. Then everything will change for you.
It is a remarkable journey you are embarking on. We honor and love you.
I love how the Divine concluded this message. Learning the difference between our true self and ego is vitally important. The more I listen to God’s speaking, the easier it becomes to recognize when I’m caught up in ego. And the easier it becomes to shift from ego to my true essence, which is love.
I encourage you to apply the Divine words in this post so you can experience this freedom for yourself.
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.