Divine Answers by Noemi Grace

Divine Answers

What if you could ask God anything and actually hear God’s response? What would you ask?

If you had only question you could ask, what would it be?

What would be your burning question for the Divine? And how valuable would it be for you to have the answer?

During my years of talking directly with the Divine, it has been invaluable for me to be able to receive answers to my questions from God.

I have also been channeling Divine answers for soul healing clients for years and I have seen and heard how this has been a great help to them.

Now I’m offering this opportunity to anyone who is interested in hearing God’s response to their questions about topics related to self-love, self-healing, deepening relationships, areas of struggle, or next steps.


The message from God that I received from Noemi Grace is life changing. – Julie Righton

Listening to my channeled message through Noemi Grace was a very beautiful and powerful experience! The divine spoke to me in the most completely accepting and loving way.  – Gail Thomas

Noemi Grace channeled a beautiful message about the transition and crossroad in my life and career. The words she spoke touched me deeply and I found the message to be reassuring, full of Love, and guidance to better align with my inner voice. – Stephani Roberts

The channeled message I received from the Divine through Noemi Grace was magical. It truly validated some thoughts and feelings I had been having but was just not listening to my inner voice. – Lori Pilla

Thank you so much Noemi for receiving grace on my behalf and for helping me trust myself more to receive and believe that I deserve to be happy, fulfilled and that my heart is a bright light for many. – Judy Giovangelo

The guidance, reassurance and acknowledgments I received were amazing!  It gave me confidence and peace in moving forward in my life. I highly recommend her.  – Heidi Drake

My channeled session with Noemi and her Guides was meaningful and touching. I had a sense of authentic connection with Spirit through Noemi and felt Spirit's gentle wisdom answer my question and reassure me.  Janet Kessenich

The answer I received felt very much like a loving and genuine response from Source, speaking directly to my heartfelt concern. – Amanda Williams, Ph.D.

I felt knots of tension and fear relax and wash away. Yet it was so soft, touching me deeply and sweetly, allowing me to relax and open, and leaving me feeling loved and gently full of peace as well as clearer and more confident. – Carolyn Sprague, Ph.D.

The transmission had such richness of content, along with the depth and intensity of love and compassion. I could feel the palpable Presence of the Divine, and the compassion of Noemi Grace as the message flowed through her to me. – John Howe

The love that I felt from these messages has given me peace and hope. – Julie Righton

Her message from the Divine has helped to quiet my fears. – Maria Isabella Guitard

The response I got was exactly what I needed. – Lori Pilla

I feel blessed to have this personal message and highly recommend Noemi as a channel. – Stephani Roberts

I felt immersed in unconditional love and felt Light and Truth being shined upon the source of a core issue in such an affirming and clarifying way.  Thank you so much for this Noemi, I feel lighter and happier and seen! – Gail Thomas

Thank you for sharing your gift as a clear channel for the Divine, Noemi. This work is benefiting the planet.” – Janet Kessenich

The high vibration coming through the communication I received was, in itself, as supportive and enlivening as the helpful content and direction given. – Sheila M.

Noemi Grace’s channeled message from source was on point for my question. It offered great guidance for my next step and allows me to be more present with what is with ease and grace. – Glenn Jones

The intuition that originally informed my question was confirmed, but I got even more! As a result of Noemi Grace’s reading, I feel so loved and held in my own Truth. – Amanda Williams, Ph.D.

I received a message from the Divine through Noemi Grace regarding a cycling accident I could not remember. The message was very supportive and helped me. – Nancy Cantor

I'm so grateful to Noemi Grace for the divine guidance that she gave to me. I could feel the love pouring out, and I look forward to implementing the many helpful suggestions that were given. – Jodi Chapman

How About You?

Do you struggle with any areas of your life? Do you feel stagnant, confused, or disappointed with yourself or your life? Are you stuck or uncertain about your next steps? Would you like help to develop a deeper relationship with the Divine or to discover your purpose?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you could benefit from receiving Divine wisdom and guidance.

And I would be happy to channel an answer to your personal questions from the Divine that is loving, supportive, and full of helpful wisdom.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

  • An audio recording of the Divine’s answer to your own question that that you can listen to over and over that will uplift and inspire you and offer you helpful tools.

  • A personalized message from me about how you can best apply your Divine answer to your life.

  • A list of resources to help you that is tailored to your individual message.

Are You Ready for Your Divine Answers?