Change Your Story

Change Your Story

In my last post, I shared how changing your filters changes your perception and has the power to change your life. When you change your filter, you also change your story of yourself and that can change your life.
Here’s what God says about how you can change your story:

When you change your filter, you change your story. Your story is how you describe your life inside your mind and to the outside world. Most of you live a story you don’t like. You see most things through your primary filter and live as if your filtered perspective is absolute truth. It is absolutely not truth, though for you it is real because what you filter into your perception is all you see.

You live a story that can be a comedy or a romance, but is mostly a tragedy. The greatest tragedy is that you do not love yourselves unconditionally and you see most things and live every day through your primary filter of self-judgment and victim consciousness. Through self-judgment, you reject yourselves; through victim consciousness you blame others and justify, rationalize, and tell a story about everything.

In a good work of fiction, the plot takes you through unforeseen twists and turns. But in your life, you live the same story even when the characters change. As you experience new relationships, jobs and events, the same patterns of hurts, betrayals and abandonments emerge, and the new story becomes a repeat of the old one.

Learn to filter through love instead of judgment and victimhood. When you apply the love filter to your perception and actions, you begin to see and choose from love. Over time, your filter changes from judgment-based to love-based, and you change your story from victimization, “poor me”, and rejection to “I love myself enough.”  What a wondrous day it will be for you when realize that you are living a love story in which you love yourself unconditionally and live from self-love.

As I apply the love filter more to my life, I am realizing that my mind has been steeped in judgment. This has tainted my view of everything. As God told me at another time, love and judgment can’t coexist. Every day we have a choice: we can either see from the perspective of judgment and the victim or we can see from love.  I can attest that the view is entirely different depending on which filter we choose. By consciously choosing the love filter, we can change our story and our lives.

What’s the story you tell yourself and others?
How would you benefit from telling a more loving story?