An Intimate Dialogue With God

New Book Features God's Direct Speaking

Do self-judgment and guilt stop you from fully enjoying life?

Imagine what your life would be like if you could transform those experiences into self-love and acceptance.

Prepare to take a front-row seat as God talks directly to you through messages spoken to Noemi Grace that illuminate the path to lasting happiness and fulfillment through Divine love as self-love.
In this groundbreaking work, God shares why it is vitally important that you love yourself unconditionally. This book also discloses secrets of how to:
  • Love yourself unconditionally with God’s love
  • Change your experience of everything by seeing from love
  • Discover and live the astonishing and unique truth of who you are
  • Transform your life by the miraculous power of self-acceptance
  • Live in self-abundance with the power to manifest anything in alignment with the truth of who you are.
This unique book features God’s direct speaking and contains crucial messages for our times. It also offers a glimpse into the author’s struggles and triumphs as she learns to apply the Divine messages to her life.
Whatever challenges you may have with loving yourself unconditionally, God’s got you covered with these Divine messages.

Are you ready to be blessed?

Noemi Grace

Noemi Grace has been chosen by God as a channel for messages of love, wisdom and power, in answer to her prayer during the tragedy of 9/11:

“Use me for the healing of the world.”

Through her willingness to be of service, she has become the recipient of direct speaking from God about the miraculous power of unconditional self-love in the
Divine way -- through Divine love as self-love.

What People are Saying about Noemi Grace

and this Book

The author shares a clear, powerful and delightful message that unconditional love is the elixir for a happy, joyful and fulfilling life. This book will change lives.
– Judy Giovangelo
With a beautiful mix of ethereal wisdom, Noemi’s own journey, and practical applications for each of us to invite more love into our life, this book contains the recipe for pure freedom, joy, and lots of love.
– Jodi Chapman
After reading Noemi Grace’s book, An Intimate Dialogue with God, my heart is opened and filled with great joy! What a gift to the world this message is!
– Amanda Williams, Ph.D.
I highly recommend An Intimate Dialogue with God: The Miraculous Power of Unconditional Self-Love. It helped change my life and the way I see the world. It is by all means a homecoming to love.
– Michael Homfeld
I spent thousands of dollars and countless hours in pursuit of the answers that are revealed in this one, simple, profound, and life-transformative book, so heroically and selflessly written by Noemi Grace, psychotherapist, human being, Divine light, open-hearted, and uniquely chosen by God to disperse the prophetic message whose time is now! I wholeheartedly recommend this book.
– Esperança Stevens
Noemi Grace’s book defines a clear path to lead us out of our “stuckness” and routine to find the magnificence that is in each one of us.
– Betsy Jill
Reading Noemi Grace’s book, An Intimate Dialogue with God, was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of divine love. The messages that she shares are timeless, powerful, and universal.
– Jodi Chapman
Noemi Grace, I commend you wholeheartedly for your labor of love, and I sincerely believe that the world will be truly blessed when it receives these teachings!
– Amanda Williams, Ph.D.



Reading Noemi Grace’s book, An Intimate Dialogue with God, was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of divine love. The messages that she shares are timeless, powerful, and universal. In it, we’re reminded that love is the essence of everything and that to find true joy in our hearts, we must learn to love ourselves unconditionally.

I especially loved this passage: “Profound transformation occurs simply by changing your filters. Have you ever considered that you can filter your life through unconditional love? Have you ever stepped back from a situation to look at it from love, instead of from your thoughts and emotional reactions? When you see from love, everything changes. It is also easier to heal and transform your life with love than with any other method.” It reminded me that how I see the world and each experience in it is up to me. And that seeing everything through a lens of love will dramatically change my life for the better.
With a beautiful mix of ethereal wisdom, Noemi’s own journey, and practical applications for each of us to invite more love into our life, this book contains the recipe for pure freedom, joy, and lots of love.
-- Jodi Chapman, co-creator of the bestselling 365 Book Series.

An Intimate Dialogue with God is a beautiful representation of an authentic dialogue with the Divine.

The author shares a clear, powerful and delightful message that unconditional love is the elixir for a happy, joyful and fulfilling life. This book will change lives.
-- Judy Giovanglo, founder of Ben Speaks.

After reading Noemi Grace’s book, An Intimate Dialogue with God, my heart is opened and filled with great joy! What a gift to the world this message is!
I am amazed at the timing for me in receiving this Divine Wisdom, through Noemi’s profound words! This book has provided the perfect context for my other studies in spirituality, including my practice of Mahayana Buddhism.

I also have started to use - and intend to continue to use - the perspectives shared within this book to deepen my ability to help others in my counseling work. I intend to reread the passages again and again and to meditate daily on these profound insights!

Noemi Grace, I commend you wholeheartedly for your labor of love, and I sincerely believe that the world will be truly blessed when it receives these teachings!
-- Amanda Williams, Ph.D.

As someone who has been searching for a long time to find a way to truly love myself, Noemi Grace’s literary debut, An Intimate Dialogue with God, has introduced me to the miraculous power of unconditional self-love. In Book One, through Noemi’s conversations with the Divine, we are encouraged to learn to live in our hearts and not our minds.
From her unique connection with the Divine we learn that underneath the layers of our egos and "beyond the wounds that pockmark our souls,” we can have compassion for our ego and seek refuge for it through the eyes of love.

The teachings provided in the book lead us to choose love, and provide us with the tools to learn to truly love ourselves. Now that I’ve learned how to walk the path of love, my self-healing has begun.

I highly recommend An Intimate Dialogue with God: The Miraculous Power of Unconditional Self-Love. It helped change my life and the way I see the world. It is by all means a homecoming to love.
-- Michael Homfeld

Noemi Grace’s book, An Intimate Dialogue with God, was gifted to me by God as an answer to prayer. I met Noemi for the first time at a women’s retreat and I connected with her on a deep personal and spiritual level. I revealed many dark secrets in her presence as if guided by a Higher Source to trust this woman with my soul.
When she shared with me that God spoke to her and she was writing a book to document and share the powerful messages she received, I knew a Divine intervention was at hand.  My soul was in need of deep healing and I remained open to the possibility that the answers I sought were in this book.
Indeed the answers are contained in this beautifully written account of her dialogues with God/Divine Source.

In her book, Noemi poses the exact questions I would have asked and the answers she received resonated deeply within my heart, mind, and soul. The “Voice of God” left me satiated, full, validated, understood, loved, reassured, and in the ultimate sense of the words, “at peace”.

Throughout the summer of 2018, I immersed myself in the pages of this literary miracle. Gradually and deliberately I chose to incorporate the teachings. I also appreciated her personal stories as she applied what she heard, and the summary reflections and practices outlined in each chapter.

I am amazed by the significant transformation that occurred deep inside my mind, body, and soul.

I softened the words I chose to mentally describe myself and I re-examined the lessons I learned over the past 50 years. I allowed myself to accept, understand, and appreciate the “new me” that was emerging by re-telling my story through the filter of “God’s Divine Love as self-love.”
Using the context: “I love myself enough to…” helped me to adjust my thinking and to incrementally choose people, behaviors, and emotions that made me feel real, genuine, authentic, and at peace internally and externally.
I spent thousands of dollars and countless hours in pursuit of the answers that are revealed in this one, simple, profound, and life-transformative book, so heroically and selflessly written by Noemi Grace, psychotherapist, human being, Divine light, open-hearted, and uniquely chosen by God to disperse the prophetic message whose time is now! I wholeheartedly recommend this book.
-- Esperança Stevens

In Noemi Grace’s book, An Intimate Dialogue with God, there is a deep and very personal message of profound change and awareness brought about by her desire on 9/11 when she spoke with the Divine and proclaimed, “Use me for the healing of the world”.  The seeds for Noemi Grace’s journey to self-love and awareness through the Divine were planted on that day, although they took years to germinate.
We struggle to find the deep connection with others and within ourselves that gives our lives meaning.

However, in her conversations with the Divine, Noemi Grace asks questions that we all long to know.

What is revealed is that we must look within ourselves to find the answers. There are many thought-provoking questions which require the reader to look deep within their heart to uncover the fear and judgment we hold onto, beginning with the two operative questions:
  1. What do I see when I look at this from love?

  2. What do I choose if I choose from love?

Seeing through the eyes of love alters the perspective of how we view a situation and in the process it brings forth our compassion for others and ourselves. We all suffocate our true beauty through our judgment of self and others.
In the “Applications” section, Noemi Grace shares her experiences and how the conversations with the Divine have impacted and positively changed her life. Finally, there is a “Practices” section which provides practical applications of how to integrate these messages to help promote self-awareness, self-love, and non-judgment of self and others.
Starting with the mantra, “I am Love,” the journey of opening your heart to your authentic self to find your true essence begins. Whether you seek peace, joy, love, or compassion, Noemi Grace’s book defines a clear path to lead us out of our “stuckness” and routine to find the magnificence that is in each one of us.
-- Betsy Jill


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