Wanting to know more, I asked, “What is this self-amnesia? How can you free yourself from it? And how do you remember who you are?” I love what the Divine said in response:
You have all become confused about who you are, and you mistake yourselves for your egos. In identity confusion, you see everything from the ego’s perspective and its filters of victim consciousness, entitlement, and self-preservation. You live in a box of ego’s creation and your perception is bounded by the walls of that box.
You limit yourself when you see yourself as ego
If you live in your ego, you cannot live in the power of your pure essence. In your confused identity, you live a life limited by past experiences. Everything happens within the boundaries set by the past and by the ego’s assumptions and conclusions.
Ego is always concerned about survival, but it does not recognize that the best way to ensure your survival is to see and live from love.
When you see yourself as your ego, you limit yourself tremendously and the only possibilities you see are based on your past. Despite your best efforts to do things differently, you drag your past into the future because you only see with the perception and filters of the past.
Ego also likes to make choices that give it a sense of control. When you live from love instead of ego, you don’t waste your time trying to control things you have no power to control. Whenever you feel the need to control, you are in ego deepening your self-amnesia.
Cure self-amnesia
You have all developed amnesia about who you are, and the cure for this is to return to love, to see from love, and to choose from love. As you do, you start to remember who you are.
The ego primarily chooses from preservation and entitlement, not from love. An easy way to know if you are in love or in ego is to look at the motivation for your choices. Are they loving of yourself and others or are they self-centered and controlling?
The deeper you are steeped in ego, the greater your amnesia. The cure for this amnesia and the path to restoring your memory of who you are is through love. Practice seeing and choosing from love, and it becomes easier for you to recognize when you are not in love.
See the clear view
When you see from love, you have a clear view. This doesn’t mean that everything you see is pretty. When you see from love, you see the truth of something or someone. By knowing that truth, you are empowered to make self-loving choices.
When you apply the love filter to your life, your vantage point opens up beyond the confines of the ego’s boxed perception. Learn to live from love, and your life grows in ways you can’t imagine as you are liberated from your past.
Everything you truly want awaits you when you live from love, though what you want may change when you don’t see from the ego’s boxed view.
Remember who you are
You are magnificent beings of love and beauty. To see this, you must stop seeing from the ego’s boxed view and start seeing from love.
To see outside the box, you must see from love and especially see yourself from love. You end your identify confusion when you remember who you are, through experiencing Divine love as self-love and embracing your unique essence.
Start to see the ego as not you, as not your true self. Learn to identify who is talking and choosing, and who you are being in the moment. When you see from love, you know the difference between being in ego and living the truth of who you are.
When you restore your perception of who you are, you will be liberated in many ways. Over time, as you live the truth of who you are, you will free yourself from the burdensome limitations imposed on you when you live from ego and you will cure your self-amnesia.
This message really surprised me. I realize now that I spent decades sleepwalking through life and forgetting the truth of who I am. I’m so grateful to the Divine for continuing to open my eyes. And the more I see myself as I really am, the happier I become.
I encourage you to apply the Divine words in this post so you can experience this freedom for yourself.
If you enjoyed this post, please visit my blog to read other inspiring messages from the Divine. I’ll continue sharing many more of the Divine’s liberating gifts in future posts, which will also feature many practical tips about loving yourself the Divine way.